FIL2DATE - Converts a filename to a DATE by Tom Moore & NoTiE Software I run a BBS. Every time a user calls the board, entries are made to a file that keeps this sort of information for later perusal. As this file can grow quite large very quickly, I wanted a way to ZIP it up as an event that runs every day. Trouble was that the filename is always the same and when I'd run PKZIP, it was REPLACING the current entry instead of adding it to the ZIP as I wanted. This is my quick solution. FIL2DATE takes a filename passed on a command line and converts it to a DATE value while retaining the filename's extender. For example: FIL2DATE DAYFILE.LST ... would rename DAYFILE.LST to 09-10-94.LST (assuming today is 09/10/94) Now when you run PKZIP or whatever compression program you use, you can add this file to a ZIP file and the entries will be nicely dated for you. One thing to keep in mind: IF you run FIL2DATE a 2nd time in a 24 hour period AND the file name you pass to FIL2DATE has the SAME extender as the previous file that day, the 1st file will be OVERWRITTEN by the 2nd!! Here is a batch file I use that might help show you a way to use FIL2DATE. This batch file does several things that I used to have to do manually. Now this all runs as a part of my daily events: REM RUN TSTAT & ARCHIVE DAYFILE batch file J: CD\ COPY J:\DAYFILE\DAYFILE.LST J:\DAYFILE\TSTAT\DAYFILE.LST CD DAYFILE\TSTAT TSTAT26 DEL *.LST CD\ CD DAYFILE FIL2DATE DAYFILE.LST PKZIP -a DAYFILE.ZIP *.LST DEL *.LST CD\ C: The BBS creates the DAYFILE.LST file in J:\DAYFILE. I 1st COPY it to a work directory called J:\DAYFILE\TSTAT and change to that directory. Then I run TSTAT26, which is a program that takes the information in the DAYFILE.LST file and creates cool looking reports based on it. Then I DELETE *.LST files in the work directory. I change back to the directory where the BBS stores DAYFILE.LST and I run FIL2DATE DAYFILE.LST to covert DAYFILE.LST to a DATE format. Then, PKZIP gets run, creating or adding to a ZIP file called DAYFILE.ZIP. Again, the .LST files get deleted and I get out. I hope you find a tasty use for FIL2DATE. Oh yes, you will need to know the following about the OVL file: You only need ONE! Which one? Beats me. The one I have included works on my 486/40 with math co-processor just fine but might not work for you. There are 4 of these overlays available and each is 'tweaked' for different machine's "personalities". If you have ANY trouble running FIL2DATE, call the Gator Gulch TBBS and DOWNload 4GFAOVL.ZIP which includes all 4 of the possible OVL files, or grab it from the BBS you found FIL2DATE on. You will have to rename one of the OVLs at a time to GFABASIC.OVL. Please see the DOCs in 4GFAOVL.ZIP for more info. Call the Gator Gulch TBBS for a fast version of FIL2DATE with NO annoying advertising in it. Our 5 line board's main number is 904/746-6542. Thanks and enjoy using FIL2DATE!